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  • Woman looking up to sky

    9 Steps to Not Be Shaken | Dwelling With God

    Psalm 15:1-5 offers much more than instruction; it portrays a life transformed by God's love through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. In the weekly devotional, we explore 9 things God is calling us to do to not be shaken.

  • A Father tosses his smiling, young daughter in the air

    God | Our Redeemer

    As we study the word of God, it is important to begin with identity. The identity of God and how we identify ourselves in relationship with God. Through a bible study of Isaiah 48: 17: 19 we discovered God, Our Redeemer.

  • A Better Rest

    A Better Rest looks at the book of Hebrews to understand the order of work and rest in the Kingdom of God. As believers, we are God's hands and feet on earth, purposed to do a good work on earth. When that work is complete, we will find a better rest with our Father in heaven.

  • Smiling woman wearing a hat looks up towards the sky

    4 Steps to Renew Your Mind

    Many women find themselves exhausted after pouring themselves into those they love. If you aren’t careful, exhaustion can lead to reduced mental clarity, health issues, and fractured relationships. We must learn to love ourselves well to honor who God has called us to be.

  • Four racially diverse women standing side by side

    Who He Says I Am

    Some would have you believe that you are one in a billion. But God sees you as one of a kind. So rare that he sent his only Son to die for your sins. Before you were born, God knew the plans he had for you. Those plans were to prosper you and fill you with hope for your future, to do the work he has for you.

  • Bride walks next to groom in wheelchair. A floral bouquet covers her face

    5 Tips to Find Your Boaz

    So, what exactly should you look for in a suitable mate. Before, I used worldly standards such as looks, education, and career to determine when I identified a suitable mate. However, I would have to pivot and seek a man after God's heart to have a godly marriage. But what does that look like in practice?

  • Courage to Stand

    What does courage mean to you? Most people believe that courage is absolute fearlessness. However, if we're honest with ourselves, it’s possible to have courage in the face of fear.

  • Woman stands with arms stretched out

    Got Grace?

    We come to learn that our faith is what gives us access, but it is His grace that gives us power. It is by the grace of God that we are saved and our lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. Listen to Got Grace today.

  • Black woman, joyfully smiling with her eyes closed.

    By a Different Name

    God can use who we are in character to prepare us for who we will become in the title. In the same way, God has given us unique personalities and character traits that make us who we are. What we choose to do with our nature determines if we are aligned with the will of God or not.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

— Hebrews 11:1

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The F-Nation with Gabby Rosemond podcast empowers women to step boldly into their passion and purpose. Our host Gabby dives into the stories behind female entrepreneurs and corporate professionals who are taking leaps of faith to achieve results beyond anything they could have hoped or imagined.


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