How To Dwell With God | Psalm 15: 1-5

Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others; who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the Lord; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind; who lends money to the poor without interest; who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. Whoever does these things will never be shaken.
— Psalm 15: 1-5 NIV

Psalm 15: 1 -5 NIV is a psalm of instruction. It opens with a gripping question: "Who may dwell in Your sacred tent?" is a call to examine our hearts and our lives according to God's standards. It challenges us to consider our relationship with our Savior and our responsibility within His kingdom. In many ways, the instructions that follow mirror the law established in the Ten Commandments and echo Jesus' summation of the law in Matthew 22:40. As we meditate on Psalm 15, we see that God's call to dwell in His presence is inseparable from a life of genuine righteousness. Here are nine key aspects of that lifestyle:

  1. Live Without Blame: Our journey begins with the freedom found in salvation. When Christ redeems us, He cleanses our hearts from guilt and blame. Living without blame is a reminder that we are saved by faith, through grace, and thus free from the penalty of our sins.   The same grace should echo throughout our lives for ourselves and others.

  2. Do What Is Right According to God: Right living is not a matter of personal opinion but obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By meditating on His Word, we gain insight and wisdom, guiding us to act in ways that honor Him.

  3. Be Aware of and Respect the Truth of God's Living Word: God's Word is alive. It calls us to hold truth above all, inviting us to seek understanding continually and to live in a manner that reflects His grace and mercy.

  4. Do Not Speak Ill of Others: Our words shape our world. Choosing not to speak ill of others protects the integrity of our speech and preserves the unity of the Body. In guarding our tongues, we emit God's call to love one another.

  5. Do Not Harm Those You Live in Community With. A thriving community is built on care, empathy, and respect. Harming another is to undermine the very fabric of that fellowship. God's standards remind us that true righteousness involves nurturing and protecting those around us-- seeking to unify and not destroy.

  6. Be Mindful of The Company You Keep. The people we surround ourselves with influence our thoughts and behaviors. Proverbs 14: 7 NIV reminds us to "Escape quickly from the company of fools." The same is true of those who practice evil or intentionally live in rebellion against God.

  7. Keep Your Word, Even If It Costs You: When we honor our commitments, even at a personal cost, we demonstrate steadfast character to others. Integrity should complement our witness. Our reliability becomes a testimony to the transformative power of His grace.

  8. Lend to Your Family Without Making a Profit: Family is a sacred trust, not a business transaction. When we extend help without expecting profit, we mirror the selfless love of Christ, reinforcing the bonds that knit our families together in mutual care and respect. However, just as Jesus asked, "And who is my neighbor?" in Luke 10: 29 NIV, the same could be asked of family in the Body of believers.

  9. Do Not Profit From Things That Harm Others: Our actions and dealings should be a source of blessing—not exploitation. We should engage in work that uplifts others, ensuring that our gains are not to the detriment of others.

This scripture is much more than instruction; it portrays a life transformed by God's love through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. And the promise? That we will never be shaken. When we seek God daily, he will instruct us and teach us; he will advise us with his eye upon us, as it says in Psalms 32:8. As you meditate on the Word, ask yourself: Are there areas in your life where you might need to realign?

May this devotional inspire you to live out these truths daily, reflecting the character of Christ in every facet of your life.

Gabrielle Rosemond

Founder: F-Nation, F-Nation Foundation, Koinonia Labs, NFT Art Match

God | Our Redeemer | Isaiah 48: 17 - 19