Trading Fear for favor
““When I saw that the men were scattering, and that you did not come at the set time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Mikmash, I thought, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lord’s favor.’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.””
Saul was surrounded. The men he'd brought to fight alongside him were fleeing. Instead of holding fast to the word he'd received from the Lord, he took matters into his own hands. Although he was seeking favor from the Lord by sending up an offering-- he disobeyed. And because of this one act of disobedience, his kingdom would meet an end.
“You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”
Honestly, I respond similarly to Saul anytime anything isn't happening as quickly as I'd expect. I know what it's like to feel like I'm running out of time. Things are down to the wire and God helps those who help themselves, right? The problem with axioms like this is that they are not rooted in biblical truth. It is a fear-based principle that leads to panic and premature action that is often contrary to God's word.
Without knowing, just like Saul, we offer something up as a sacrifice, thus, forgoing a promise by not keeping God's command. For his word in 1 Samuel 15:22 tells us "to obey is better than sacrifice." Who knows what would have become of Saul had he just obeyed.
The world would have us believe we can fulfill God's purposes for our lives our way. However, the demise of Saul tells us otherwise. So I challenge you to reflect on who you will become if you obey God to receive his enduring favor instead of responding to fear. Be wise today and trade your fear for the favor of God.
Questions To Reflect On
In what ways have you allowed fear to control your decision-making?
What are you trying to offer up as a sacrifice when God has told you to obey?