The path to Conversion

Christian Women going to the next level with God.

In the early stages of our faith walk, there are several paths to conversion. The most pivotal step is to be aware and receptive to the fact that our God loves us and has plans to give us hope and a future. From this place of awareness, if we are receptive, he can convert us from unbeliever to believer.

After meditating on Acts 22, the word conversion came to mind. As a digital marketer, conversion is one of the most crucial KPIs when measuring effectiveness in my profession. I considered what God was trying to show me about the parallels between His word and how I spend 50% of my day.

In Acts 22: 4, Paul begins to share how he went from a persecutor of Jesus Christ to a promoter of Christ and the Gospel. Paul's first step on his path to conversion was to acknowledge the Lord, signaling that he was aware and prepared to give him attention. Acts 22: 8 reads, "Who are you, Lord?". We'd call this the awareness stage of the customer journey and the KPI, share of attention in a marketing campaign.

As a marketer, KPI's are the guiding light when measuring campaign effectiveness. Jesus had Paul's attention, but had he been converted? When Paul responds to Jesus' command to go to Damascus, he moves further down the conversion funnel through obedience. Marketers would call this the consideration stage. Paul was open to Jesus' authority and took action by traveling.

While on the road, Paul hits a barrier and loses his sight for three days. This point of friction may have delayed many of us from continuing down the path God has for us. As it relates to marketing, this stage mirrors the place where a consumer has arrived at your site added to the cart, but something disrupts them. In the case of Paul, it was a light from heaven. In the world of marketing, it could be an alarm, screaming child, dinner date... you name it! But God didn't let blindness deter Paul from the plans he had for him. Acts 9:8 says, " they led him by the hand into Damascus.".

In my career as a marketer, the helping comes as a shopping cart abandonment email, free shipping promo, or site notification to help consumers progress down the path to conversion. Paul was once again receptive and continued on the journey. With help, he followed God's instruction and in his obedience was restored, Acts 9:18 reads,"...immediately something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized." This was Pauls's point of conversion. He was aware of God's authority, he heard from God, and he obeyed God.

Bishop T.D. Jakes uses Luke 22:31 - 36 to point out that Simon Peter, who'd walked with Christ during his ministry, didn't realize he needed conversion. How much more are we unaware that we, too, need conversion at different stages of our relationship with God?

No matter where you are, unbeliever, new believer, or seasoned believer, I challenge you to consider your relationship with God.

Reflection Question

  1. Are there areas in which you need conversion to reach the next level of his promises?

Gabrielle Rosemond

Founder: F-Nation, F-Nation Foundation, Koinonia Labs, NFT Art Match

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